homing pigeon

This happened to me several times already. I'm driving, heading somewhere, usually for an appointment or work meeting, and my mind is drifting, usually thinking about work-related stuff, and the next minute, I'm almost home.

I have subconciously headed for HOME.

It happened again today. A colleague exclaimed "Just like a homing pigeon!" Homing Pigeon - a pigeon trained to return to its home. No matter what happens, it will head home. Unless it's shot down.

I guess almost all of us are homing pigeons, in one way or another. Some may only realize their 'homing nature' when going through sh*tty stuff. To some others, HOME is their recuperation grounds when they're emotionally spent. There's also some who yearn for HOME only on their deathbeds.

When you think it's the end of the world, and there's nowhere else to go, you'll realize that HOME will still welcome you with open arms.

the 3 suicides

I had the most disturbing dream (or should I say nightmare instead) last night.

You know how in dreams you're always a 3rd party viewing what's going on, and at the same time, you're somebody else involved in what's going on? The 3rd party you know that you're in a dream while the 'you' in the dream don't know?

Alright, I was actually looking at myself in this nightmare. First, I tried to drown myself in a pail of water. The 3rd party me couldn't stop 'me' from doing that cos the 3rd party me is just a pair of eyes, no physical form. The drowning me realized after a while that I couldn't die.

Then I jumped off a building. The 3rd party me's heart almost stopped. Tried to shut my eyes but couldn't. Everything started happening in super slow motion. Halfway down the building, I floated. The suicide me was taken aback and floated around aimlessly for a while.

Finally, I just willed myself to faint and collapse on the floor and willed myself to die just lying on the ground like that. The 3rd party me tried to scream out to wake the stupid me but no voice came out cos I didn't have one. (Remember, I was only a pair of eyes.) I knew that this suicide attempt would succeed as I felt myself going fast. Hence, the 3rd party me engaged 'me' in a battle of will power by willing myself to wake up from this nightmare.

Eventually, I woke up. Sweat drenched and exhausted. Very disturbing. Still can't get over it. What if the suicide me won? Would I still have woken up or gone on sleeping as if I was dead? Am I getting schizophrenic? Or have I been hitting too many snails and slimes in MAPLE and they're back to haunt me (cos that was the last thing I did before going to sleep)?


magician monkey

Oh Oh Oh MonkeyCrabb (Monkey's MAPLE character's name) has gotten her 1st job!!! Magician liao!!!

Look at her talking to Grendel the Really Old below.... she told him through telepathic powers: "I wanna be POWER MAGE, POWER MAGE, POWER MAGE........"

心 里 暖 暖 的

今 天 属 于 “ 写 华 文 ” 的 心 情 。 。 。 。

刚 刚 在 网 上 与 一 位 从 未 见 过 面 的 朋 友 聊 天。不 知 从 何 时 开 始 ,我 们 给 了 彼 此 外 号 :他 是 我 的 小 师 傅 ,我 是 他 的 大 师 傅 。

我 问 他 :“ 你 相 不 相 信 你 大 师 傅 我 是 个 超 级 大 美 女 ,绝 对 独 一 无 二 的 完 美 女 人 ?”

小 师 傅 回 答 :“ 独 一 无 二 的 女 人 - 相 信 ,大 美 女 - 相 信 ,完 美 - 世 界 上 没 有 完 美 的 人 。”

虽 然 这 些 只 是 说 说 笑 ,也 有 可 能 纯 属 礼 貌 ,他 这 句 简 单 的 回 答 ,在 这 冰 冷 的 世 界 ,却 让 我 心 里 感 觉 暖 暖 的 。

fresh war

Monkey goes to a fresh war!!! After my initial go at MAPLE-ing, I've been receiving many tips from LittleShifu aka Littlegeo and little boy boy Hao-zi, and finally decided.........

Monkey wants to be a Duper Power MAGE!!!

Hence the painful decision to discard my previous character and embark on a brand new journey. To realize my Duper Power MAGE dream, I've gotta die die start with the correct character stats.

Monkey then sat in front of the PC, click click click, roll dice non-stop for 15min, chanting "STR4 DEX4 STR4 DEX4 STR4 DEX4..........".

Here I go on my new MAPLE journey.......

monkey goes to war!!!

Have embarked on a no-turning back journey in MAPLE LAND. Thanks to Littlegeo (again...)

Quite cool huh? I actually can see many other goondoos like me wandering aimlessly, jumping here and there, and kena attacked by those stupid mushrooms and snails. DUH DUH DUH

Haha, and you can chat with them while you're battling the evils!!!

Think Monkey's gonna be stuck to the PC screen the entire wkend...........

einstein's riddle

OMG! OMG! I'm one of those in the top 2% of the world's most intelligent population who can solve Albert Einstein's riddle!!! Super smart me!!!

Albert Einstein had supposedly written the below riddle during the 19th century (according to several sources, although dunno how true) and claimed that 98% of the world population would not be able to solve it. I tried and took about 40min to come up with an answer. And it's correct! Hey Hey try it out!

There are no tricks, just pure logic, (can just Google anytime to find out the right answer, but then it won't be challenging if you cheat) so GOOD LUCK!

1. In a street, there are 5 houses, painted in 5 different colours
2. In each house lives a person of a different nationality
3. These 5 owners each drink a different kind of beverage, smoke a different brand of cigar, and keep a different pet.

QUESTION: Who keeps the FISH?

1. The Brit lives in a red house.
2. The Swede keeps a dog.
3. The Dane drinks tea.
4. The green house is on the left of the white house.
5. The owner of the green house drinks coffee.
6. The person who smokes Pall Mall rears birds.
7. The owner of the yellow house smokes Dunhill.
8. The man living in the centre house drinks milk.
9. The Norwegian lives in the first house.
10. The man who smokes Blends lives next to the one who keeps cats.
11. The man who keeps horses lives next to the man who smokes Dunhill.
12. The man who smokes Blue Master drinks beer.
13. The German smokes Prince.
14. The Norwegian lives next to the blue house.
15. The man who smokes Blends has a neighbour who drinks water.

ps: after trying, you can just Google "albert einstein riddle" and would be able to verify the right answer easily. however, if you wanna find out the step by step to arriving at the ans, I HAVE IT!!! I have documented the whole process as I went through it!!! haha. ask me! ask me! (haolianz a bit)

爱 情 的 期 限

记 忆 中 印 象 最 深 刻 的 电 影 台 词 :

“ 曾 经 ,有 一 份 真 正 的 爱 情 摆 在 我 面 前 ,但 是 我 没 有 好 好 地 珍 惜 ,等 到 失 去 以 后 才 来 后 悔 莫 及 。尘 世 间 最 痛 苦 的 事 莫 过 于 此 。

如 果 上 天 能 给 我 一 次 机 会 再 来 的 话 ,我 会 跟 她 说 ‘ 我 爱 你 ’ 。

如 果 非 要 把 这 份 爱 情 划 上 一 个 期 限 ,我 希 望 是 一 万 年 。”

~ 取 自 周 星 驰 主 演 的 ‘西 游 记’ 1 和 2

来 不 及

一 首 歌 ,好 听 的 歌 ,伤 感 的 歌 。
每 次 去 唱 K 都 会 点 来 唱 ,不 唱 看 看 MTV 也 好 。
MTV 里 描 述 女 歌 手 对 生 命 里 种 种 的 来 不 及 而 感 伤 。
听 说 是 女 歌 手 - 陈 珊 妮 为 过 世 的 母 亲 亲 笔 写 的 歌 。
我 要 把 这 首 歌 献 给 老 爸 。

来 不 及
作 词 :陈 珊 妮 作 曲 :陈 珊 妮 演 唱 :陈 珊 妮

来 不 及 送 你 一 程 来 不 及 问 你 什 么 算 永 恒
甚 至 来 不 及 哭 出 声 来 不 及 陪 你 一 阵
来 不 及 送 你 一 程 来 不 及 为 你 尽 点 责 任
你 的 皮 肤 都 穿 松 了 来 不 及 为 你 抹 点 粉

过 期 杂 志 上 登 着 太 多 早 逝 青 春
路 人 的 嘴 里 全 是 对 别 人 生 命 的 揣 测

我 就 是 来 不 及 说 一 声
我 就 是 来 不 及 送 你
我 就 是 来 不 及 说 一 声 我 爱 你
我 就 是 来 不 及 送 你
来 不 及 为 你 唱 首 情 歌
来 不 及 为 你 变 成 好 人
我 就 是 来 不 及 说 一 声 我 爱 你

dedicated to littlegeo

This was written on 14 September 2005 and I'm republishing it in this blog now. Read the original entry with comments here.

(17 April 2009: Reading this entry again after so many years, I am quite impressed by how much I know about nutrition, and disgusted by myself that I don't practise what I preach. Heh)

[14 Sep, 3:50:15 PM]
MonkeyCrab: why do u keep a food diary?

[14 Sep, 3:53:22 PM]
Littlegeo: oh... coz my frens think i eat junk, hence i'm so prone 2constipation, stomach flu, gastrics etc. so they wan 2monitor wad i eat.

[14 Sep, 3:58:37 PM]
MonkeyCrab: hmm attended a nutrition class, n also heard fr a fren on her weight mgmt class-&-experience. mebbe i shld post 1 entry specially dedicated 2 u

[14 Sep, 4:00:02 PM]Littlegeo: wow!!! my ou xiang gonna dedicate a blog entry to me!!! *in awe* YAAAAY YAAAAY YAAAY!!!!

OK now that I've committed myself, and have made littlegeo sooooo happy, I cannot disappoint him. But must 长话短说, otherwise gotta pay me consultancy fee ah!!!

Shall start with the 'Lunch-Plate Theory'.

- 50% of your plate should be proteins (BUT of cos not FRIED CHICKEN WING la!!! Try steamed fish la, steamed chicken la, yaya I know it's boring. Whoeva said eating healthy is "So D*mn Bloody interesting" is lying)

- 25% fibre (your veges + fruits)

- 12.5% carbohydrates (rice / noodles / bread / potatoes etc)

- remaining 12.5% vitamins and minerals and fats

Now on to the '3-regular-meals Regime':

Breakfast: Best to take between 7am to 9am. This is when body is at the optimum absorption rate. Approx. 70% of nutrients get absorbed.

Lunch: Best to take between 12noon to 1pm. Only approx. 15% of nutrients get absorbed. So eat too much also no use. Especially people (like YOU, yes, LITTLEGEO!!!) who sit in the office and not much energy is required except to bitch about others or to activate your fingers to type out your Blog entries, you really don't need that much food for lunch.

Dinner: Best to take between 6pm to 8pm. Only approx. 15% of nutrients get absorbed. Avoid supper or snacks after 8pm. Cos your liver needs to detox when you're sleeping and it can only start work when all the organs are shut down for the night. If you sleep with a full stomach, either you suffer from indigestion or your stomach doesn't get to rest and hence your liver doesn't get to detox. Pimples then appear! And in unexpected places!

Lastly, miscellaneous tips:

If you wanna control yourself from eating too much unnecessary rubbish, try taking lotsa fibre (can be fibre supplements or just take a huge serving of fruits) half an hour before each meal. This will fill up your stomach and prevent you from overeating and snacking in between meals. (Great for gals who wanna slim down, but healthily) However, note: MUST take LOTSA water cos fibre absorbs excess water in your body. If eat lotsa fibre but not enough water, you'll still get constipation.

One misconception alot people have is that "fruits are meant to be eaten after meals" - WRONG. Eat your fruits after a meal, and you'll find yourself very bloated, right? WORSE, whateva vitamins are in those fruits, are not taken in by your body (so waste your time eating them right?). Hence, you make yourself go through all the bloatedness and indigestion FOR NOTHING.

And Littlegeo> you take Vitamin C pills hor....body cannot absorb huge quantities of Vit C so even if you pop 2 pills of 1000mg at one go, it will just get excreted via urine. Hence, body doesn't get enough. So it's best to take small quantities of Vit C at different times of day to ensure optimum usage by body.

Aiya...........too much knowledge to impart la. Not possible to write out in one entry all that I learned in 6 days of classes. So for starters, just follow the above 'Lunch-Plate Theory' and the 3-regular-meals regime first la!!! Especially good for those who have Irritable Bowels Syndrome (IBS).

很 想

很 想 无 忧 无 虑
不 必 担 心 为 了 生 活 而 生 活

很 想 轻 轻 松 松
不 必 戴 着 面 具 面 对 人 、面 对 工 作

很 想 简 简 单 单
不 必 费 尽 心 思 揣 摩 人 心 的 复 杂

很 想 离 开
这 虚 伪 的 世 界

很 想 消 失
在 自 己 那 无 声 无 息 的 内 心 世 界

很 想 永 远 放 假
无 时 间 观 念 的 在 无 人 的 沙 滩 上 做 梦

有 个 希 望 欲 不 可 求 的 希 望
希 望 抽 身 离 开 躯 体
以 不 存 在 这 世 界 的 局 外 人 观 察 人 类 、了 解 世 界

the death of life

This is an old blog entry written on 12 September 2005 and I'm now republishing it in this blog. You can read the original entry complete with comments here.

Came across this in one of Blinkymummy's entries:
"Currently, the value of life is really only determined by the inevitable event of death. Without Death, there is no real Life."

Another of BM's more recent entries on the issue of choosing Life and Death:
"There is a difference between Staying Alive and Living. Choosing to Live is different from Staying Alive. The choice is one of free will and not obligation."

I have had to go through the ordeal of having to choose between Life and Death, between Staying Alive and Living to realize these simple rules of life that BM wrote about.

Recently, Channel 8 is showing the HK drama "My Date with a Vampire 3". In this show, the vampires live in agony for eternity. They never enjoyed Life and never understood the meaning of Life because Death is non-existent to them. They are merely Staying Alive. The sad thing for them is, they have NO OTHER OPTIONS. We have.

Before the one most irreplaceable person in my life chose Death, I live Life just like one of the vampires in the show. I had never thought about Death nor its existence. Though I had a lifetime ahead of me, I had never pondered about the meaning of Life or Living Life.

I hit rock bottom when the full realization of what Death and loss meant. Nobody understood the unsaid words, the unshown emotions, the guilt and the remorse that engulfed me. In fact, there were more pressure on me to Stay Alive, more obligations and more responsibilities than I ever had to shoulder. I couldn't breathe. I tried choosing the easy (some say cowardly; I felt it was the most courageous and yet most cowardly option) way out. Slashing; Drugging.

Obligation to my family eventually made me choose to Stay Alive. Realization of Death made me rethink my perception of Life. Understanding that Death defines Life and its values made me choose to Live Life.

parking offences

This was an old post written on 4 September 2005 on my moblog. You can read the full original entry complete with comments here.

I received 2 parking tickets of $30 each in a single day for forgetting to buy my Season Parking. It was only a few days into the month (I was fined on 4 Aug). I've parked my car in this same car park for 3 bloody years and faithfully bought my Season Parking every single month! How can they be so mean as to issue me 2 tickets? On the same day some more! Ever since Chubb took over the parking attendants job for my area here, I've been getting these ridiculous parking tickets! *So Angry!!!*

I wrote to HDB for request of waiver of the fines and below is the reply:

We have looked into your appeal. In view of your explanation and the circumstances, we will exercise flexibility to waive the parking notices this time. However, we seek your co-operation to renew the season parking promptly prior to the expiry. You may wish to renew your season parking ticket through our GIRO scheme which is convenience and hassle free. A GIRO form is enclosed for your used.

1. My first reaction was relief of course! No need to pay the stupid $60!

2. Next reaction.....look at the parts I underlined. Grammar mistake!!! DUH!!! This is an official letter from HDB leh! Not casual writing in blog entries where I can use my Monkey language ok! Very malu for S'pore govt to send this kind of letters leh!!! DUH!!!